Telegram Community

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Launch Telegram

Enhanced Tokenomics

It's Auto Reflective
of every transaction is redistributed to holders in Binance pegged BUSD, which is automatically paid every 60 Minutes.

It's Auto Liquid
of every transaction is transferred into Liquidity Pool for Pancakeswap to create a stable price floor.

  • It's Sustainable

    2% of every transaction is sent to the marketing wallet to fund marketing, utility development and community management.


    1% of every transaction is strategically burned, removing them permanently from the supply which will add stability and  value to the coin.

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The MACHINEDOG (MDOG) Foundation is more than a meme. It's a BSC token with ambitions to create the foundations of distributed global wealth through talent, skill, and intelligence integration within communities as they grow - this means you too! The long-term vision for MACHINEDOG works towards equality, inclusivity and  fairness from all walks (and depths) of life by way of code.